Skins is a British teen drama that follows a group of teenagers in Bristol, South West England through the two years of sixth form. The controversial plotline explores issues including narcissism, dysfunctional families, personality disorders, substance abuse, sexuality, teenage pregnancy, disability, suicide and death. The show was created by father and son television writers Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain for Company Pictures, and premiered on E4 on 25 January 2007. The first two series' main ensemble cast were entirely replaced for the third and fourth series. Some secondary characters were kept. The show is notable for its casting of amateur actors and young writers.
I came across this show and just ABSOLUTELY fell in love with it. The first episode started slow but as I continued to watch, I started to see all these different layers to it. IT WAS MIND BLOWING. I STAYED UP AND WATCHED THE WHOLE FIRST SEASON ON MY NETFLIX. Even though I had to be a t work at 7 am. lol It has received enormous recognition in the UK and US.
Now for the bad news, MTV has just reported that they have started filming a US version of the show in Canada. Ummm..Lets see.....its something called Degrassi..that is just like skins but sucks more. Their gonna fuck up this show so bad cause of the fact that they can't show what the UK version shows. DAMN AMERICA FOR THEIR CENSORSHIP LAWS!!!!!
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